
Hilton Oceanfront Wedding | Glennis & Randall

A Hilton Oceanfront Wedding in Virginia Beach, Virginia

Love is so incredibly unpredictable.  I get to hear amazing stories of love. Sometimes is just strangers who finally meet, others are people who have met all their life but I think this is the first time I’ve had a story like Glennis & Randall’s.

See, Randall and Glennis knew each other when they were in elementary. Each went on to have their own lives and better themselves. Randall is a very decorated military gentleman, while Glennis is a physician. After growing as people and as professionals, destiny and Facebook magnet them together.

With her brothers walking her down the aisle, Glennis finally got to say I do to the outstanding man she’s always secretively loved.

Their Story in their words…

“We went to elementary school together. I had a crush on Randall and wrote in my diary that “Randall Jarrett is sooooo cute!” We later reconnected on Facebook at my girlfriends’ request for me to sign up. His first post was that I was “a quiet storm”. We had our first date in our hometown at Crocker’s Spot Restaurant…and the rest is history!”

She isn’t lying! Throughout the years, Glennis has kept her elementary diaries and brought it to the wedding. It sat next to the guestbook for all guests and family to see.

Who made this possible?