Caroline & George
An East Beach Norfolk Engagement Session
George and Caroline traveled from New York for a quick East Beach engagement session in Norfolk. We went for some safe Save the Date options and then head out towards the beach for some creative shots and to simply enjoy the time.
They are lovely and beautiful together. After the sunset was gone, they trusted me to continue making them some silhouette images. These are some of my favorite silhouette images so far! I absolutely love it when couples trust me enough to keep on shooting even when it looks like nothing is there to the naked eye.
The sky was crazy beautiful and vibrant and I couldn’t have asked for more perfect weather as we shot for some images after sunset.
I love East Beach in Norfolk and if you are looking for a beach area to have some shots taken, I recommend it. It is not crowded, the residents are very accommodating and it has some little walkways that are full of bloom as the residents take good care of structures and curb appeal. What more can you ask for?
How George proposed in Caroline’s words:
“He proposed to me in Central Park. It was pouring rain and cold and so we had umbrellas and he got down on one knee in front of Bethesda’s fountain. He had a photographer hide and pop out to capture the moment. ” – Caroline
Perfect Notebook proposal. Well done, George!